Date: | What's New! |
June 6th, 2009: | Wow... Once again it's been over a year since my last post. I'm not quite sure what had me even looking at Geocities today, but immediately I saw the big notes "GEOCITIES CLOSING!!!" Ohmigod! This immediately sent me on a search for an easy to maintain (and free) webhost. And so here we are. Tripod. It's funny as I think tripod has been around since the H.o.G. was first opened, but if I recall geocities was much easier to edit. Not that this is proving to be hard so far (because it's not), just VERY VERY VERY time consuming. I figure I'm going to have to work on about one GOD a day to get this all moved over. I suppose this is an excellent opportunity to delete a bunch of people. I'll have to ask Brooke. Either way, welcome to our new home. Thank you tripod. We're happy to be here. :) |
January 23rd, 2008: | It makes me very sad to have to make an update to the site today. Heath Ledger was found dead in his home yesterday afternoon. We always talked about how Heath was the baby of our GODs, and it's just so surprising for him to be the first to pass away. I would like to get his page up-to-date (sadly, it had been almost exactly 6 years since I had last updated his page), and leave it as a small legacy to remember the actor that he was. So very sad. |
October 14th, 2006: | I should be embarrassed. But I've gotten so good at this that I'm not. Yes you read that right, it's been almost 2 years since my last update. I think I pretty much stopped working on the H.o.G.s just after I finished my last post. Don't ask me what got it in my mind to make an update today, but alas, here I am. Roughly 700 days since my last post. (okay so maybe I am a little embarrassed) You might notice a couple changes around. I'm fixing the guestbook (Hall Registry) links, because they died... yeah, 2 years ago. Val's pages are done (plus I also updated the copyright to read 2006 - and just think only 3 months until I have to change it to '07). Plus one HUGE change, though it's been announced yet it's very far off and that's the addition of Wentworth Miller to the Top Floor. He is my new boyfriend. *drool* If it wasn't so much work, I bet Brooke would have me move Val to a lower floor (which will never happen, at least not totally - 1. because it's kinda sad, 2. DUDE there are 15 galleries, moving all those pics, um, NO!) It kind of strikes me as funny that I was so into Orlando Bloom when he was added to the Top Floor (he was my choice, James Marsters was her's) and now I think he's her #1 choice as it is. James has kind of dissappeared and Val is old. I still love Keanu, and while Orlando is perfect, and still in my top 5, I find myself infatuated with Wentworth and kind of reliving my elementary school days, as I totally want to dig out my old 21 Jump Street posters. But anyway, yeah, I'm doing some housekeeping in the background. Wentworth will show up eventaully, but I'm having some photo editting issues, so it won't be any time soon. Just thought I'd say hi. And I'm not promising to update again, any time soon, because I'd be lying. |
December 13th, 2004: | Happy Holidays! I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and that Chanuakah and Christmas hasn't become too stressful. I slacked off a little my daily updates, but I was much impressed with myself for my 2 week long run. Considering my usual year long disappearance my going a month between posts isn't that bad of a thing! LOL! I did do some updating. I made a HUGE mess of the 8th floor - ie, the dungeon, giftshop, candystore, lounge, pool, sauna, janitor's closet - I'm hoping that I was able to get everything at least legible, but who knows... it's still a work in progress. I actually spent the last couple of weeks working on Keanu's pages. I tried to show someone his gallery and I was so embarressed because only the first gallery work. So I set myself on a mad dash to fix the other 30 galleries. I just finished moments ago (really!) so I figured I'd take a moment to put in a quick update. If you notice any problems with Keanu's pages, let us know and I'll try to get it fixed ASAP! Happy Surfing (and Chanukah, and Kwanzaa and Christmas, etc!) :) |
November 15th, 2004: | Oh! and tomorrow is my birthday! :) |
November 10-15th, 2004: | (very, very, VERY early on the 15th)Okay, I've been hard at work for the past week. I finished finished ALL thumbnail/subdirectory stuff on Floor 2, and moved back to the Top Floor to get that back in order. It looks soooo good (if I do say so myself, and I do!). Val's pages are done, at least for now. Galleries (including brand new Gallery 12, 13, 14 & 15!) Plus I have totally redone his Filmography and links on the Movie Links page. That is how all of them will eventually look. Thank goodness for VKN and it's amazing movie section. That place is awesome! There's also a new Val Kilmer Official Site up at Check it out! I was so excited to see that his pages are almost 100% caught up. New pics, new movies, and then I noticed that the guest book (hall registry) section seems to be down. I hope it's a temporary thing, because it will take a MILLION years to fix that on every page if I have to go looking for a new guestbook! That will suck royal! Okay I think that's about all I have to say. I figured I should jump in here and type up a quick update to let everyone know that I have been working, but because I'm working on a different floor, it's harder to get back to this section to make an update because the updates are actually housed on Floor 2... anyway... More to come! :) |
November 9th, 2004: | (very, very, VERY early... again... I do my best work at night I guess - or maybe just my best update postings...)I have been hard at work all day on Brad's Galleries. As I mentioned yesterday (or was it Friday or Saturday, anyway) I finished Brad's 11th gallery. Very exciting, I must say... well I had hinted at a gallery 12, but how about Gallery 11, Gallery 12, Gallery 13, Gallery 14 and Gallery 15! Have at it all you Brad Worshipers. Don't forget a towel! :) |
November 8th, 2004: | (very, very, VERY early... Dang, I should be in bed!)Okay I'm just about to head off to bed. I spent all day working on Floor 2. There are new galleries, and Brad and Matthew's pictures are COMPLETELY thumbnailed and done (well of course there are always more pictures, but for now, they're done). I've even determined how I'm going to do the Movie links. Good ol' Billy Zane's page is still up, so I used it as a demo for my new and improved movie links section. No more, 3 to 4 pages to get to the links and no more broken links. I'm only linking to IMDB and the official site (I guess those will eventually go broke - gosh it's early... it looks fine). CHECK IT OUT HERE |
November 7th, 2004: | Darn I'm good! Gallery #11 is up! Haven't decided if I want to try for 12, or if I'm going to move on to something else. We'll see... |
November 7th, 2004: | Good morning! Okay so it isn't actually morning anymore, but I've been working since this morning. There's lots of cool stuff to mention today. As promised yesterday, I uploaded a new gallery for Matthew CLICK HERE! Very cool. Not exactly recent pictures, but I did finally get all the pics I had on disks of him uploaded. Now I can look for more! :D |
November 6th, 2004: | Hey, how about that! I just finished Matthew McConaughey's 4 galleries. There are all thumbnailed and perfect. I may even get around to uploading a few more pictures for your viewing enjoyment. More to come! :) |
November 5th, 2004: | (Very early in the morning) More updates. Matthew's pages are pretty much formatted... well the main page is, and the galleries and worship links are. The need to be seriously updated (old pictures, missing thumbnails and really, really, REALLY old links, but it's coming along... Woohoo! More tomorrow, hopefully. :) |
November 4th, 2004: | Ack! Before it gets too late (or too early, I guess would be more appropriate), I'm just going to post my updates and head off to bed. You might not actually see many of the updates, but I worked on updating a couple of Matthew's pages (Happy Birthday to him! He's 35 today... scary, the last update said he was 31...). I also found myself updating some old Billy Zane stuff... more because it's still there and there are still people visiting it, so I figured I should at least make it look nice. More updates on the way. (Like I said before, I'm trying for this page a day thing... 3 down tonight! - though mainly I'm fixing the broken stuff from the new subfolders, but the ultimate plan will have all the broken links removed too... and if I'm feeling crazy, movie posters on the filmographies... but patience, patience... it will happen... sometime...) |
November 4th, 2004: | Links coming soon, but there is are a BUNCH of GOD movies coming out this fall/winter. Alexander (Colin & Val), Ocean's 12 (Brad), I Heart Huckabees, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and Alfie (Jude) and gosh a whole lot more, but it's late so I'm slow... more tomorrow. :) |
November 1st, 2004: | Two updates in a week, that's amazing! Hey, I'm working on some reformatting. Playing with thumbnails and subfolders for easier division, you may notice this has screwed up the galleries, but I'm working on it. I'm trying to get at least one page updated a night (and I'm way ahead for the week, I did Val's Worship links, Articles, and updated coming movies on his main page (links, links, links!) and started on some gallery work. Cleaned up the Top Floor too; fixed some broken pictures, good stuff like that. And once again, with all the subfolder stuff going on, you might see some gallery problems for the time being. Sorry... |
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