Updates for Brooke and Tanya's Hall O' Gods Hotel! COMING SOON!

Updates for

The Place to check to find out what's new!

Updates for 3/99 - 8/99!
Date: What's New!
August 22nd:

Hi all! Just a few quick notes for over the last few days. First (and most important!) Keanu has moved to a bigger spot! Click on his name to visit the new place or type in http://www.geocities.com/keanugallery/Keanu.html
This move will leave a lot more space for both Val and Keanu (this means MORE pics!!!) I'm slowly, but surely, updating links so if you're trying to find one of Keanu's pages, you'll end up at the right place. There are automatic elevators in both the old main page and gallery (but I didn't bother with the Article, Misc, Movie or Worship Links) Please update any bookmarks you may have had! Thanks!!! (As another note to this, and due to the move, Keanu's 13th Gallery is up and running!! - Val should have some new pictures soon, that is as soon as Brooke gives me her disk to upload!) I'm really excited about this move and it should mean there will also be some changes in The Penthouse to reflect the changes. (which I'll be getting on soon...I hope!)
In other news, The Candystore has some new additions. There are new pictures of lots of Musicians (Nick Lachey, Jeff Timmons, Lenny Kravitz, 5ive, Billy Corgan, The Barenaked Ladies, Carson Daly, Daniel Jones, Darren Hayes, Duncan Shiek, Stephan Jenkins, Tal Bachman, Usher and Third Eye Blind! - w/ still more on the way!) I hope to do some work on the Athletes in the very near future!

August 17th:

We hit 16,000 guests in The Penthouse overnight!! Cool!!

August 7th:

Happy Birthday to David Duchovny! He's 39 today!

August 4th:

Hi everyone! We've been hard at work again, but not typing it into here. The Dungeon is almost finished (only 3 more pictures to add until we update!) and The Lounge finally has some GODs hanging out, but The Candystore is still running really behind. And nominations are still pouring in! I might have to look into taking a whole new address in geocities as The Candystore has taken on a life of it's own (and in fact it is totally seperate from each of the other guys, so it wouldn't be breaking rules...atleast I don't think so..hehe)

August 4th:

Updates in the last few weeks that haven't shown up here: Mel's new wallpaper on each of his pages, Alex's stats have finally been updated from last season, Forever Keanu Webring is up and working along with several other new webrings, I Woke Up Early the Day I Died is finally coming to the theaters and the official site opens 8-5 (you'll also find the link on Billy's Main Page), and I finally made up a banner for Floor 2 (you'll find the link on the Local Hotels Page)

July 31st:

Whoa! This isn't really an update, we just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Keanu and his longtime(?!) girlfriend, Jennifer Syme are expecting a baby! Want more info? Click here!

July 31st:

Happy Birthday to Dean Cain! He's 33 today!

July 28th:

We hit 15,000 guests in The Penthouse overnight!! Cool!!

July 27th:

Happy Birthday to Alex Rodriguez! He's 24 today!

July 11th:

Check out The Giftshop! We finally got started on a few examples of some special pictures. Please take a look and let us know what you think!

July 11th:

14,000 guests have checked into The Penthouse! Wow!!

July 3rd:

Happy Birthday to Tom Cruise! He's 37 today!

June 26th:

Happy Birthday to Chris O'Donnell! He's 29 today!

June 23rd:

As mentioned earlier, we'll be keeping you informed on upcoming movie sites, like Harry Connick Jr.'s Iron Giant and new CD Come By Me, Brad Pitt's The Fight Club, Tom Cruise's Eyes Wide Shut, Ethan Hawke's Snow Falling on Cedars, Billy Zane's Cleopatra Mini-series, Brendan Fraser's Dudley Do-Right, Noah Wyle's Pirates of Silicon Valley, Chris O'Donnell's Cookie's Fortune, Leonard DiCaprio's The Beach, and last but not least, though it's not a movie, Safeco Field will be opening very soon and Alex Rodriguez will be playing there. Other than that, we'll keep an eye out for more! :)

June 23rd:

Okay, just a few miscellaneous things; some new pictures in different parts of The Candystore, (which has new wallpaper! ooooh) like pictures of 98 Degrees, the Backstreet Boys, Ricky Martin, John Rzeznick (of the Goo Goo Dolls) and Jimmy Ray in The Musicians, and Ewan McGregor in The Actors. Plus we have a lot more to come!
We also finally added an example to The Gift Shop. Let us know what you think!
Have you noticed the new music in The Lounge and The Gift Shop? How about the additions to The Dungeon? We're up to 35 women that we just love to hate (or hate to love!).
There's lots of new stuff so check it out, (oh like the new webring that's soon moving into Keanu's Page. We haven't been added yet, but soon, we hope! - or HTML codes for our banners in The Local Hotels Page...) so get busy and start clicking! :)

June 23rd:

13,000 guests have checked into The Penthouse! Wow!!

June 22nd:

Happy Birthday to Nick Lea! He's 37 today!

June 20th:

We finally got started on Johnny Depp's Page! It's far from finished (in fact it only has the Main Page and one picture!) but we'll be working on it, PROMISE!

June 9th:

Happy Birthday to Johnny Depp! He's 36 today!

June 8th:

I finally got started on Matt Dillon's Page. There's now some basic form to his pages (not all mind you, but some) and I started work on his 'Just the basics' form. Feel free to donate any information! :)

June 6th:

You'll find 3 more galleries full of KEANU PICS!! Over 50 new pictures (and I still have MORE)! Check them out! Gallery 10 , Gallery 11, Gallery 12

June 4th:

Happy Birthday to Noah Wyle! He's 28 today!

May 31st:

12,000 guests have checked into The Penthouse! Cool!!

May 21st:

Happy Birthday to Paolo Montalban! He's 26 today!

May 17th:

Clean, clean, clean! We've been hard at work, cleaning up links. Take a look around to see what we've done! :)

May 13th:

Look what's new in the guys' Miscellaneous Links!

Ask Jeeves any question here!

For example: What's New in the Hall O' Gods?

May 13th:

There's been a LOT of work done to The Candystore!

May 13th:

11,000 guests have checked into The Penthouse! Cool!!

May 10th:

We lost..... :(

April 30th:

A couple changes over the last few days, first a change of the words "people" to "guests" on our counters (this might take awhile) and we also added a brand new Hall Registry to The Penthouse (the geocities one was full!)

April 28th:

Brooke and I are trying to win a contest on our favorite radio station KISS 106.1. Wish us luck!! :)

April 28th:

10,000!!! guests in The Penthouse! That's another 1000 visitors in only 9 days!!!!

April 19th:

The Penthouse hit 9000 today!! That's 1000 visitors in only 9 days!!!!

April 15th:

Only 2 more "just the basics" forms to fill out (JD & MD - and of course the completion of a few others). Recently I've been working Floor 2! Brad, Billy and Matthew's Main Pages and Articles are done! Brad and Billy's Worship Links are done! Billy's Misc Links are done! And all 3 guys have several galleries (though I don't believe Matthew's are formatted for Netscape 3.0 yet)

April 15th:

Happy Tax Day! This might not be a good day for everyone, but it is for us! We FINALLY got listed on Yahoo! They sent us a little email which said we'll be showing up in 2-4 days, so look for us! Also to keep track of hits garnered from yahoo, these are hits as of now: The Lobby=1585 , The Penthouse=8413, Floor 2=3806, Floor 3=1618, Floor 4=1118, Floor 5=1142, Floor 6=1115, Floor 7=3685, Keanu=3531, Val=1592, Brad=1024, Billy=1205, Matthew=590, David=322, Alex=2003, Noah=301, Nick=293, Chris=453, Dean=792, Tom=292, Mel=126, Leo=165, Ethan=247, Cary=270, Johnny=N/A, Brendan=486, Robert Sean=236, Jerry=153, Heath=628, Paolo=3022, Matt=294, & Harry=535

April 10th:

The Penthouse hit 8000 overnight!!

April 4th:

Happy Birthday to Heath Ledger! He's 20 today!

March 19th:

The Penthouse hit 7000 overnight!!

March 9th:

Anybody have any fab suggestions for getting Yahoo to list us? We've been trying for over 7 months and still nothing! Please Email us! Thanks! :)

March 9th:

I've been working on a few things over the last few days. Doing little things to the counters (no, not messing with numbers, just the wording), and format of the pages - I'm taking out extra spaces, I need all the bytes I can get in The Penthouse! (I'm telling myself that unless Keanu suddenly gets married, I'm not going to touch his page for awhile. There are too many other things to do, so unless something really big happens, I'm done with his page for now. Ditto with Val's. As soon as I finish rewording his counters, he's done too!) There are also a few new links in Billy's Misc Sites, I'd had plans to do Brad's and Matthew's too, but it didn't happen... maybe tomorrow. :)

March 5th:

As another service, we thought we would clue you into some movies that are either out now, or coming very soon, starring GODs. Mel's Payback, Heath's Ten Things I Hate About You (eek! Heath! What did you do to your hair?!), Keanu's Matrix (EEK! Keanu! What did YOU do to your hair?! - and EYEBROWS!?!), Val's Prince of Egypt, and At First Sight, Jerry's 60's mini-series, Matthew's Ed TV, Paolo's Mortal Kombat TV series, and Brendan's The Mummy, Blast from the Past, or Gods and Monsters

March 5th:

Hi all! It's been almost a month since the last update. You might notice a few things that have been done during that time, but we've both been sick, so they never got listed in here. Let's see, probably the biggest thing is David and Cary's Just the Basics forms. They're mostly done. Somewhere along the line, I also managed to do Dean's Basics, but when? I don't know! :) As far as basics forms go, I only have NW, JD, and MD, but I must also say that there are several guys who don't have very much info filled in. (MG, NL, & DD in particular, though I promise I'm working on it!) Tonight I completed Billy, Brad, and Matthew's Article Links. Pretty exciting, huh!? :) More updates coming soon! Promise!

8/98 - 2/99
9/97 - 7/98
Most recent updates (9/99 - present)

© 1997-2006 brookeandtanya@hotmail.com
Excuses, excuses!

We had to start a new guestbook as da-book died...

[Sign the Hall Registry] [View the Hall Registry]
Powered by E-Guestbooks Server.

Our Geocities Hall Registry is full, but you can still View it

Local Hotels | Report a GOD Sighting! | The Janitor's Closet | The Lounge!
The Pool! | The Sauna! | The Dungeon! | The Gift Shop! | The Candy Store!

Last Update: November 1st, 2004 10:18 p.m. PST

Email Brooke and Tanya!

Made by Brooke and Tanya

Take the Elevator to another floor!
Top Floor!, Floor 2!, Floor 3!, Floor 4!, Floor 5!, Floor 6!, Floor 7!
or Return to The Lobby!

If you prefer to find one specific GOD look here!
Keanu Reeves | Val Kilmer | Orlando Bloom | James Marsters | Brad Pitt
Matthew McConaughey | Jude Law | David Duchovny | Noah Wyle | Nick Lea
Hayden Christensen | Ewan McGregor | Colin Farrell | Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp | Jerry O'Connell | Nick Lachey | Brendan Fraser | Heath Ledger
Mark McGrath | Paolo Montalban | Harry Connick Jr. | David Boreanaz

Still can't find who you're looking for? Try the The Candystore!

Visiting the Hall just to get a glimpse of them? Look here!
Keanu Reeves | Val Kilmer | Orlando Bloom | James Marsters | Brad Pitt
Matthew McConaughey | Jude Law | David Duchovny | Noah Wyle | Nick Lea
Hayden Christensen | Ewan McGregor | Colin Farrell | Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp | Jerry O'Connell | Nick Lachey | Brendan Fraser | Heath Ledger
Mark McGrath | Paolo Montalban | Harry Connick Jr. | David Boreanaz

guests have checked in! (since June 2000)