Updates for Brooke and Tanya's Hall O' Gods Hotel!

Updates for

The place to check for what's new!

Updates for 7/00 - 10/04!
Date: What's New!
October 25th, 2004:

Jude's Main Page and Movie Links are now up and working. :) (I don't know if I like the wallpaper, but I'll think on it) Brad's and Matthew's Movie Pages have also been updated.

October 25th, 2004:

Updated Val's movie links. Working on other stuff this morning. See what I can get accomplished.

July 17th, 2004:

I'm nothing if not reliable... well I guess if you were expecting me to go a year without updates, I'm reliable. :D Seriously though, there have been some updates. You might notice that we've finally started to reformat. Getting rid of some guys, adding new ones, and bringing back a couple that had been removed. I've lost count of how many times we've changed the gods. Oh well. I guess among the things that I have accomplished are that I've updated my bio (you know the important stuff), fixed the links in the musicians part of the candystore, and the pictures actually (I did something new with subfolders and stuff), built James' & Orlando's Main Pages, and come up with a GOD total of 23 (this still needs some work - not the total, but the order. I think it's going to be 4,3,4,3,3,3,3, but again, that needs work too, because I KNOW there are GODs on the wrong floors - FYI, with the exception of the Top Floor (The Penthouse Suites) there's no particular order to the guys on each floor. Some times it's length of stay (ie, how long they've been a GOD), or just the opposite, I think it was Floor 4 that emptied out (Leo, Ethan & Cary) leaving a BUNCH of room for the guys who will be moving in), how much room they take up (Nick Lea takes up virtual none!), and even sometimes length of name... because I like the way the names line up, but even that needs work, becuase I have floors 3 and 4 switched... ugh! Maybe that will be my next trick. That should be pretty easy to fix, but then it's the matter of fixing it on ALL the pages! UGH!

May 25th, 2003:

Hey, this has nothing to do with anything, but I just got to noticing the official banner (the one right at the top of this page) for the H.o.G.s is really old... Dang that will need updating too!

May 25th:

See, I wasn't kidding! I've really truly started editting the pages like promised. Brooke and I decided on a 21st GOD (check Floors 1 or 2 - I've updated those and he's there) - and though I was thinking of suggesting another, I seem to have forgotten who it was going to be... oh well, I'm sure it will come to me.... :D Okay, as I just mentioned, The Top Floor and Floor 2, have been editted. I've fixed the list of GODs, updated the dates, changed the format of the guys pictures (don't mind the broken pictures for a little while), gotten rid of the webrings, made the music optional... um I think that's all for now. I'm still working though. It's still only about 3:30 p.m. The day is young! Oh, one other thing! I did a little bit of updating on Val's Page. I updated some of the date information, got rid of some old official movie website links, and added several new films to his filmography. Ok, now that is all. :D

May 19th, 2003:

HAHAHAHAHA! And to think I thought six months was bad! It's been over a year since I've really done ANYTHING to this page at all. Brooke and I have been discussing how to change the HoG. First off, there are a bunch of gods that just aren't so godly anymore. So, unfortunately, they have to go. Effective as soon as I do it, we're demoting (and possibly even expelling) Billy Zane from floor 2 (sorry Billy, but you haven't done anything in like 5 years - don't get us wrong, I'm sure you're still hot, butt [oops Freudian slip] the end has come for you.) We're also considering getting rid of Matthew McConnaughey, so don't expect any big updates. On floor 3, we have to say goodbye to Nick Lea, for the same reasons as Billy Zane (Nick are you even alive anymore?!?) Floor 4 has several new vacancies. (sorry to Mel, Dean & Chris: you're too old, too washed-up and too... just too...) Don't worry though, we've got plans for new guys we'd sleep with... um I mean new guests. Johnny Depp and Jerry O'Connell will be the only residents of floor 5 until new guests arrive. No changes on floor 6 but obviously there's a vacancy. Floor 7 has Matt Dillon and Nick Lachey moving out, because, well, they never really moved in. As for the rest of the site, I think we'll be redoing the Candystores, and kinda starting over on them, cuz there are a bunch of guys in there that are just not good-looking. I'm getting rid of all the webrings. You can also be expecting several new gods including James Marsters, Jude Law, Ewan McGregor, Colin Farrell, Hayden Christiansen, Orlando Bloom, nad (Damn that Freud!) Huge.. Um I mean, Hugh Jackman. Who knows when all this will happen, but hopefully sooner rather than later. That puts ass, um us, at 20 Gods now, and who knows where we were before. It's kinda sad to see 2 of the original 5 go, but it's time. Ethan you're due for a bath and Cary, you're just not the stud-muffin you used to be. We'll always love you! (Hey if anyone is interested you can take all the pictures [now or after we remove the direct links we can give you the addresses for the sites -which we'll probably keep up for a little while]. Just drop us an email and let us know!) :)

April 5th, 2002:

I'm really not meaning for this to be a trend or anything. I mean jeez, we disappear for six months at a time and then pop back up with a promise to update, and though I'd like to promise it again, I think the biggest updates in the near future are going to be adding the 2002 to our copyright. Whoop-dee-doo! I'm really sorry to those of you out there who are big followers. I really do mean well, but things have been soo hectic. With work and just life in general, I'm a mess. I have 3 months to come up with a new living arrangement, but that's beside the point. Hopefully I can get my butt in gear then and revamp the HoG like I've always wanted to. Some day this page will catch up with my vision. :)

November 23rd, 2001:

Happy belated Thanksgiving. I had this sudden urge to do a little updating. Mainly because geocities has started inforcing their hourly bandwidth thingy, so we get emails every few days saying that we have exceeded our bandwidth. The 2nd floor gets them pretty often which I thought was kind of interesting seeings there's only 3 guys, so I checked out the page to see where the visits are coming from. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, but Geocities did say you can only get like 25 visitors an hour if your bandwidth is 200K... I'd say that opening up the front pages once or twice will probably take care of that, so I'm gonna run it by Brooke, but I think we might have to take down all the wavs and midis and change them to optional links you'll have to optionally download rather than the automatic loading with each page. I know this will make a lot of people really happy. Don't get me wrong we get lots of positive feedback on the choice of music (we'll always remember Savage Garden), but ever since we started this page, we've always gotten emails saying that the music was too much. We've pretty much always explained that the music was a big part..but that's just it.. it's too big of a part. :(
Lemme back up a bit first and explain why this is the first entry in here since April of this year. I had all these big plans, and actually I did do a bunch of stuff, like the Candystore looks awesome! But between working, life, computer problems and the loss of our DSL line (we just got a new DSL modem in the mail today, so hopefully we'll be back to full speed very soon), I just haven't been able to keep up with the H.o.G. I did a one point go in and do away with some of the gods, which I think I mentioned before. Brooke and I have been planning a huge restructuring for sometime, and I actually did a few things to start it off. Some gods have been downgraded to the Candystore, while two others are one their way up. More of that once we get DSL and Windows 2000 back. So for now, so long. More to come as always. :) Your faithfully worship-er in G.o.D.s - Tanya

April 1st, 2001:

Fear not loyal followers! We're back! And this is not a joke!! After a 6 month absence (but still no spelling lessons) I'm back and ready to update! I hadn't completely forgotten about the website, and though there is little to no new information, I have been trying to convert all the page counters over to geocities new system. You might notice them on some of Keanu and Val's pages, and all of the pages on the second floor. I have no good reason for not updating, except that I've moved out of my parent's house (not an new occurance seeings it's been a year now) but they've moved also which means I can't show up at their place to work on my computer. Poor old decrepit computer is now in storage awaiting my own apartment, but if I have my way, a new pc will be living with me by then! I know in the past I've talked about my aunt's AOL ready computer and all the problems that I've had with it, but now, she's upgraded to a DSL line that, though I still have to use I.E. instead of Netscape, flies like you wouldn't believe. I've been on a kick this past weekend, updating the filmographies of the floor 2 guys and building a website for my cousin (please check it out!! The Little Things of Good Charlotte! They're a cute little band small enough that if you see them in concert you can actually pose for pictures with them afterwards) but I digress. I just wanted to add a quick little update to let everyone know that this site is not dead. I will keep updating information and hopefully bring this website back up to what it used to be!

November 11th, 2000:

Where to start.. First of all Geocities/Yahoo did away w/ the old counters so 2 years worth of counters are GONE! I spent most of this evening changing ALL the counters for Floor 2 and the Top Floor. I'm still working on the other floors and will stay w/ it until everything is up and working correctly. Second, there have not been very many updates on the page as of lately. I did finally add some pictures to Harry's Gallery last weekend, so that's something new. Check it out! Third is basically a bunch of little stuff that needs to be mentioned, like: Brad Pitt People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive (for the second time!) -- Heath and Mel were also featured as Awesome Aussies! Chris O'Donnell and his wife has a baby (Christopher Eugene O'Donnell Jr.) - plus he has a new movie coming out. Speaking of movies, Val's Red Planet opened yesterday. Brooke and I should be going to see it some time this weekend. We'll let you know what we think. We've added links to the official sites of both David Boreanaz and Val Kilmer.

November 11th:

Happy Birthday to Leo! He's 26 today!!

November 6th:

Happy Birthday to Ethan! He's 30 today!!

November 4th:

Happy Birthday to Matthew! He's 31 today!!

October 26th:

Happy Birthday to Cary! He's 38 today!!

September 2nd:

Happy Birthday to Keanu! He's 36 today!!

September 2nd:

Check out Heath's Gallery for two new pages of pics! We've also got his Worship Links up and working!

August 29th:

The 2nd Floor had it's 20,000 guest check in today! Cool!

July 26th:

Now's my chance to get a few of the updates mentioned that I've meant to get onto this page. Staring at the beginning, you might have noticed the name change on Val and Keanu's floor. Formerly The Penthouse, it's been renamed, The Top Floor, which is basically to avoid the negative conotations that usually go along with the mention of Penthouse. Geocities has a feature now to track where your site's hits are coming from, and something like 40% were coming from people looking for penthouse.com or pinups, and stuff like that. So, and this actually goes back awhile, we decided to simplify the top floor as The Top Floor and simply name the Val and Keanu's suites. Val's The Ra Suite, and Keanu's The Buddah Suite. Slowly but surely, I'm trying to erradicate the name "The Penthouse" and replace it with "The Top Floor". Sorry if this causes anyone any inconvenience, but it was kinda getting old being rejected from sites, search engines and browsers because of a so-called "objectionable" term. Also on the Top Floor, both Keanu and Val's pages have been recognized by CelebSites, so I've been trying to add their little banner to our pages. A couple other GODs were recognized too, but I think the only banner that's up so far is Mel Gibson's. Hopefully soon, I'll be able to get the banners on all the right places and start petitioning CelebSites to list more of our guys! :) There's so much I want to get done there are just not enough minutes in the day to do it. Eventually I'd also like to update the link list and change the format of the Lobby. I want to add, kind of a emergency link type thing if you should get lost in any part of the hall. Perhaps even name every guys specific suite. Of course there's a lot to do before that though. Many of the guys are also very behind on their galleries and I've been promising to update several (Heath fans being the most anxious! - w/ over 3,000 hits in the past couple of weeks!) w/ new picture, or just plain MORE pictures. Some I know for sure are in desperate need as their most recent pics are from roles they did YEARS ago!

July 26th:

Ahh, summer, that means we've entered the season of new GOD movies. Just like in the past, we want to keep you updated on what's coming and what's here, so here are some links we think you should check out: Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible 2, Keanu Reeves' upcoming The Replacements, Val Kilmer's The Red Planet, Chris O'Donnell & Nick Lea's The Vertical Limit, Ethan Hawke's Hamlet, David Duchovny's Return to Me, Matthew McConaughey's U-571, Brendan Fraser's Bedazzled, Mel Gibson & Heath Ledger's wonderful The Patriot, Mel's Chicken Run, and Nick Lachey's new video "Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche).". We're also keeping a look out for Keanu's The Gift, Sweet November, and The Watcher, Val's Salton Sea, Brad's The Mexican, Matthew's The Wedding Planner, and Billy's Sole Survivor

July 17th:

Val's Main Page (or the Ra Suite, as it's been renamed) had it's 40,000th visitor today!! Wow!!! (Brooke, I think it's an obsession! heheheh)

July 5th:

Heath's Gallery had it's 10,000th visitor today!! Woohoo (he's the first GOD not on the Top Floor to do this!)!!!

9/97 - 7/98
8/98 - 2/99
3/99 - 8/99
9/99 - 12/99
1/00 - 6/00
7/00 - 10/04
11/04 - present

© 1997-2006 brookeandtanya@hotmail.com
Excuses, excuses!

We had to start a new guestbook as da-book died...

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The Pool! | The Sauna! | The Dungeon! | The Gift Shop! | The Candy Store!

Last Update: December 13th, 2004 6:31 a.m. PST

Email Brooke and Tanya!

Made by Brooke and Tanya

Take the Elevator to another floor!
Top Floor!, Floor 2!, Floor 3!, Floor 4!, Floor 5!, Floor 6!, Floor 7!
or Return to The Lobby!

If you prefer to find one specific GOD look here!
Keanu Reeves | Val Kilmer | Orlando Bloom | James Marsters | Brad Pitt
Matthew McConaughey | Jude Law | David Duchovny | Noah Wyle | Nick Lea
Hayden Christensen | Ewan McGregor | Colin Farrell | Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp | Jerry O'Connell | Nick Lachey | Brendan Fraser | Heath Ledger
Mark McGrath | Paolo Montalban | Harry Connick Jr. | David Boreanaz

Still can't find who you're looking for? Try the The Candystore!

Visiting the Hall just to get a glimpse of them? Look here!
Keanu Reeves | Val Kilmer | Orlando Bloom | James Marsters | Brad Pitt
Matthew McConaughey | Jude Law | David Duchovny | Noah Wyle | Nick Lea
Hayden Christensen | Ewan McGregor | Colin Farrell | Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp | Jerry O'Connell | Nick Lachey | Brendan Fraser | Heath Ledger
Mark McGrath | Paolo Montalban | Harry Connick Jr. | David Boreanaz

guests have checked in! (since June 2000)